Knowledge@Wharton Partner Collaborations

EY: Private Equity Steps Up in Africa – Part II

This second part of a two-part podcast on the new face of private equity (PE) in Africa looks at  the areas of the economy most ripe for growth, and also at some business models that PE firms are pursuing. With GDP growth in Sub-Saharan Africa at 4.4% in 2012 (and a third of the countries there growing at more than 6% annually), the amount of foreign direct investment in Africa has been gaining significant momentum, and interest has spread beyond natural resources to consumers, thanks to an expanding middle class.

Knowledge@Wharton spoke with three experts to learn about the PE landscape in Africa:

Michelle Kathryn Essomé, chief executive of the African Venture Capital Association;

Michael Rogers, global deputy sector leader for private equity at EY; and

Stephen M. Sammut, senior fellow and lecturer at Wharton.

Download the edited transcript: Private Equity Steps Up in Africa – Part II



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